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Safety Service

The Whānau Protect service plays a key role in providing support and resources for family violence victims and their children to live free from violence while remaining in their homes. It provides an option for clients who do not want to, or cannot, leave their homes.

The Whānau Protect service plays a key role in providing support and resources for family violence victims and their children to live free from violence while remaining in their homes. It provides an option for clients who do not want to, or cannot, leave their homes.
Whānau Protect is a service available in most locations around New Zealand to support victims of domestic violence who have separated from their abuser. It is designed to enable victims to remain living safely in their current homes with a reduced risk of family violence re-victimisation.

Our Key
Service Criteria


The victim must be living separately from the perpetrator, intends to remain living separately from the perpetrator, and does not intend to invite the perpetrator into their home.


The victim fears further victimisation from the perpetrator that could result in serious physical injury.

It is important to note that this is a service for high-risk victims only and our initial referral form is designed to measure the client's eligibility against high-risk criteria. Whānau Protect is a service available in most locations around New Zealand to support victims of domestic violence who have separated from their abuser. It is designed to enable victims to remain living safely in their current homes with a reduced risk of family violence re-victimisation. Whānau Protect is 6-month service intended to enable a long-term safety plan to be put in place. Unfortunately, once the service is completed, clients are not eligible for any consecutive service.


Crisisline: 0800 REFUGE or 0800 733 843

About the

Whānau Protect is a six-month service that includes a monitored safety alarm and a home safety improvement. When the alarm is triggered, the police are notified and the unit activates an audio recording. The recording may be used by police for the purpose of investigation and prosecution against the perpetrator.

The home safety improvement involves a safety assessment of the property to identify areas of weak security that the perpetrator may use to quickly gain entry to the property. The security of these areas is then improved by a Whānau Protect contractor and a safe room is established. This room is intended as a place for the victim to shelter while waiting for the police to arrive in the event the offender attempts to gain entry to the property.

If you have any questions or queries, send us an email at

Support Services

including a 24hr crisis-line, information and safe housing for women, young people and children experiencing abuse.

Wide range of education programmes

for communities and organisations.

Taking a strong
advocacy role

by working to positively change policy and attitudes about domestic violence.

Conducting research

much of which is unprecedented in New Zealand.olicy and attitudes about domestic violence.