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Meet our CE,
Dr Ang Jury

Dr Jury has worked within the Women’s Refuge movement and the wider domestic violence sector since the mid-1990’s and fulfilled every role within Women’s Refuge from volunteer, to advocate, to management to national board member. In addition, she has been instrumental in the development of cross agency collaborations both regionally and nationally.

Dr Jury has worked within the Women’s Refuge movement since the 1990’s and fulfilled every role within Women’s Refuge from volunteer, to advocate, to management to board member. In addition, she has been instrumental in the development of cross agency collaborations both regionally and nationally.

Her history through the 1990’s included teaching, researching, writing and speaking in the areas of gender and domestic violence while completing doctoral research (an exploration of the role of shame within abusive relationships) at Massey University.

Dr Jury has since presented her research to a number of forums within New Zealand and internationally. After completing formal studies she worked for some time developing and coordinating family violence collaborations within the Manawatu and Whanganui regions under the umbrella of the government’s Te Rito Family Violence Strategy before returning to Women’s Refuge and her most recent role in early 2015.

In January 2022 Dr Jury received an ONZM for her services to women from the Queen in the New Years Honours List.

Te Taumata o
Te KōwhaiCore Group

These seven women form an overarching governing board that makes strategic decisions about how the National Collective of Independent Women’s Refuges operates. It guides our organisation, and is responsible for setting our strategic direction based on the views and needs of refuge members.

The group ensures that Women’s Refuge operates as a truly ‘bottom-up’ organisation. One tangata whenua Māori representative and one tauiwi non-Māori representative from each of the Women’s Refuge’s four regions are represented on the Te Taumata o Te Kōwhai Core Group.

Our current representatives are: (left to right)

  • Hana Kakoi, Southern Region Māori
  • Opal Moir, Northern Region Tauiwi
  • Zona May Heta, Northern Region Māori
  • Terri Leveillee, Central Region Tauiwi
  • Naomi Ogg, Lower North Region Māori
  • Rachel Black, Southern Region Tauiwi
  • Martina Cziharz, Lower North Region Tauiwi

Need help now?

Crisisline: 0800 REFUGE or 0800 733 843

Phone us toll free from anywhere in New Zealand for information, advice and support about domestic violence as well as help in a crisis. We’re here to help you on this phone number 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Follow the simple steps to be put through to your local refuge on your touchtone or mobile phone. You will be automatically redirected to a female advocate in your region.

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