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At Women’s Refuge, we provide the support and information you need when you’re dealing with violence in your life.

Family violence is a pattern of power, control and coercion. Abuse is not just physical, trust your intuition.

If something does not feel right to you, then it’s not OK.

If you are being abused, remember it’s not your fault. No one deserves to be abused, and we are always here to help you. At Women’s Refuge, we won’t judge you. We will listen to you and support you to make choices for your safety.

What is family violence?

  • It can be physical, sexual, psychological, or economic.
  • It usually, but not always, happens in the home (not in a public place), therefore it is hidden.
  • The coercion, control, and other abuse tactics are often subtle and difficult for victims to explain to others.
  • These tactics adversely impact every aspect of victims’ (and their children’s) lives, including their health, their dignity, and their opportunities to build safe, viable, and fulfilling lives.
  • The majority of perpetrators are men, and the majority of victims are women and gender minorities.
  • Disabled women, rainbow/takatāpui (especially people who are bisexual and transgender) wāhine Māori, and young women are the most likely to be subjected to family violence.
  • Psychological or Emotional Abuse
    Threatening to harm you or the children, damaging belongings, stalking, isolating from friends and whānau, actions or threats, hurting animals or pets, constant put downs and belittling, exposing children to trauma.
  • Economic Abuse
    Withholding money, monitoring the finances, making all the financial decisions, demanding proof of all expenditure and checking receipts, alloting a allowance.
  • Sexual Abuse
    Forced to have sex, feeling sexually harassed, being made to engage in degrading or unsafe sexual behavior, being made to watch pornographic material.
  • Physical Abuse
    Slapping, beating, punching, kicking, strangling, shaking, biting or pinching. It may involve the use of weapons and can cause serious long term injury or fatality.
  • Spiritual Abuse
    Feeling as though your spirit/wairua is being attacked, stops you from expressing your spiritual or religious beliefs, stops you going to church/ temple, puts down your beliefs, uses their/your religious beliefs to justify their behaviour.

Different types of abuse


  • 24 Hour crises line, 0800 REFUGE
  • Home and community visits
  • Support in isolated regions
  • 24/7 access to our safe houses
  • Advocacy when dealing with police, legal, court, WINZ, housing, doctors, schools and Oranga Tamariki
  • Referrals to counsellors, doctors, lawyers and other support services
  • Education and support groups for women and children about living free from violence

Thinking of leaving?

  1. Leaving doesn’t get easier with practice.
  2. Staying with an abuser is likely to get harder to cope with and more dangerous for you and your children as time goes on.
  3. The reason you leave the first time will almost always be the same reason you leave the last time.
  4. You, and only you, will be the best judge of when it is safest to leave.
  5. All your efforts to keep the peace at home will never work. Why not? Because domestic violence is about your abuser, not you. It is their responsibility to change – and you can only choose whether or not to be around them in the meantime.

How to help a loved on who is experiencing abuse

It is important when speaking to a loved one experiencing abuse to ask the right questions and actively listen to the answers:

  • “I’m worried because he seems to make you feel bad a lot the time. How safe do you feel with him?”
  • “I’m wondering if you have any concerns about how he’s behaving towards you?”
  • “If anything is happening at home and you don’t feel safe, I’m always up for a chat about it.”

Always affirm, believe, validate, and reflect

  • “It’s okay to talk about it here, you can tell me as much or as little as you want.”
  • “I’m really glad you told me.”
  • “This was not your fault.”

When someone shares that thing are not right, gently check out the situation

  • “Are you safe right now?”
  • “Would you like me to call the police?”
  • “Would you like to tell me some more about that?”
  • “How are you coping with that?”
  • “Are you safe right now?”
  • “Would you like me to call the police?”
  • “Would you like to tell me some more about that?”
  • “How are you coping with that?”

If someone opens up to you about abuse they are experiencing it is important to follow-up after the conversation

  • “What’s the safest way to get in touch with you?”
  • “How can I help you? Is there any practical things I can help with.”
  • “Would you like me to sit with you while you call Refuge?”